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more About me!


my Story

I'm JC
 Snider - VSA - CDT, MSc +

I LOVE what I do, but getting here wasn't an easy path!


As a former paramedic and firefighter, I’ve been through a lot of shit.
I’ve been shot, stabbed, found myself in a burning building as it collapsed down on me… you name it, it’s probably happened. When I returned home, I was drained and exhausted, but I wouldn’t be alone.


My Pug, Tickles, saved me. 


She would help me laugh and heal in a way that nothing else could and I realized the healing powers of our four-legged friends. I thought I rescued her, but in turn, she would rescue me.


So if Tickles did that for me... then that could happen for other humans and dogs, too, right?


And that’s when my love for rescue began. I started rescuing dogs, who just needed another chance and trained them to be Service Dogs/ESA’s for veterans who had PTSD, trauma, anxiety, and so much more. I partnered with Pets for Vets Colorado Non-Profit for a while and joined in their mission to train rescues to be ESA’s and companions for vets.

But I knew that I wanted to do more. Inspired by my love of my Marine veteran dad, and after a lot of sleepless nights, I decided to take the next step and begin to train service animals for veterans and autistic children. So many rescue dogs have a lot of love to give and so many humans need healing and companions and this was a way for me to help them both.

My dogs have changed my life, particularly Tickles and my shit-show pitbull Shenzi (whom I refer to as the S.S. Shenz - Shit Show Shenzi). These two dogs changed my life.

Here’s what I do and don’t do:

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  • Positive Reinforcement training (+R) because science backs this!

  • Work to build trust and confidence for both you and your pet

  • Teach you how to communicate with your pet and understand their needs

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  • Work with shock (Don’t ask.)

  • Work with prong collars (Not happening.)

  • Train using an alpha or dominance style technique (It’s archaic and frankly useless.)

To honor Tickles the Pug and how she changed my life, I decided to capture the peace she brought me into my logo. She brought calm to the chaos that was my life and inspired me start the journey to helping the veteran community around me.


Shenzi was where the cue “get your shit together” originated. It was a quick way to get her attention, particularly for my pitbull who was so desensitized to typical cues that she would just ignore them.


Since that first cue, I have learned more and created new techniques that allow
my unique training style to come out. I’m not only able to work with families and their dogs, but I am also extremely passionate about being able to work with animal shelters and rescues to give those dogs a chance at their best life.


I’m dedicated to learning and honing my skills to help dogs and their families
have a healthy relationship with each other. Combine that with a love of learning about dogs and their behaviors, that translates to I’m going to seminars researching and creating new techniques, and more. Put simply, I am a dog behavior geek. Or nerd. Whichever you prefer.

Warning: Working with me may cause laughs and deep doggo bonds. Side effects will last for a lifetime.

I Speak Dog

Okay, maybe not the way you think. I’m not exactly over here barking at my dogs when I want them to listen or whimpering when I need their attention. At least not every time.

But I get dogs. My dogs, your dogs, the chihuahua down the street who has to bark at the oak tree during every afternoon walk, I get them all.

And not because I have some strange futuristic translator no one else has yet to get their hands on. It’s because I’m autistic and ADHD. (Diagnosed and everything.) Hear me out. I promise I’m going somewhere with this.


The diagnosis came late(r) in life, and when it finally happened, it TOTALLY made sense. I mean, hyperfocus is a thing. Growing up, I spent a good portion of my time interested in the little details of stuff that most people overlooked. Or, if they did look too closely, they ended up rolling their eyes and saying the equivalent “Okay, weirdo. Go ahead and nerd out on dog behavior.” So I did. Now look where I am. (Cue the wiggling of fingers and my tongue sticking out.)


I was misunderstood. A lot.  I wasn't taught in ways that were beneficial to me, and my learning style.

But honestly, as much as it mattered at the time, I’m pretty sure it’s the one thing in my life that propelled me to do the shit I do. I was able to put my hyperfocus to work, study the language of dogs, and really get to understand them.

I went in depth with that knowledge, and it gave me a leg up on the best job I could have ever stumbled upon.

Fun Fact: 

Dogs will get to the emotional IQ and cognitive function of a 2-3-year-old child.
Meaning, they don’t come into this world knowing our language and rules. We are the adults/

"higher beings". It’s our job to learn to communicate so Tickles or Fluffy or Death Eater, the 3lb chihuahua understands. We have to be the loving teachers to make shit happen.  It's OUR job to meet them where THEY are.

  • MSc Animal Behavior 

  • BSc Biology

  • Victoria Stilwell Academy - Certified Dog Trainer

  • Grisha Stewart Academy

  • DBC 

  • ABMA

  • The Lemonade Conference 

  • Aggression in Dogs Conference 

  • Neurobiology of Trauma in Dogs - Daniel Shaw BSc

  • Dog-Human Aggression - Michael Shikashio

  • Dog-Dog Aggression - Michael Shikashio

  • Holistic Approach to Dog Reactivity - Dante Camacho

  • Common Behavior Challenges : Reactivity - Grisha Stewart

  • Stress and Anxiety in Dogs - Anders Hallgren

  • Building Canine Confidence w/ Movement - Lori Stevens

  • T.Touch and B.A.T Dog Resiliance - Katrien Lismont

  • The Antecedent Iceberg: Embracing Natural Integration of Ethology & Behavior - Kim Brophey

Training & Education

I've been in the industry for over 20 years now!

  • A Critical Comparison of 7 Dog Training Methods for Fear in DogsGrisha Stewart

  • Barking Mad: BAT & Other Techniques for Frustration - Grisha Stewart

  • B.A.T - Grisha Stewart, Joey Iverson

  • B.A.T 101: Socialization for Aggression, Frustration, and FearGrisha Stewart

  • ACE: Understanding Dog Needs - Sarah Fisher

  • Ahimsa Dog Training: Problem Solving & Manners

  • Deaf Dogs: Your Route to Training Success - Terrie Hayward

  • Learning the Ropes: All Things Leash Handling - Michael Shikashio

  • Enrichment and Decompression - Leslie McDevitt

  • Dog Language Panel Part 1/Part 2 - Kathy Sdao, Chirag Patel, Grisha Stewart

  • Why Animals Need Trainers Who Adhere to LIMA Principle - Susan Friedman

  • Survival Skills: Coping w/Dog Reactivity in Real Life - Grisha Stewart

  • Aggression In Dogs - Spirit Dog Training

  • Treatment Techniques for Dogs Affected by Trauma - D. Beck
  • MicroSigns Dog Body Language - Katrien Lismont
  • Noise Phobia: Helping Dogs w/ Sound Sensitivities - Karolina Westlund
  • Recognizing and Understanding Pain in Dogs - Dr. Hannah Capon

  • Predation Substitute Training - Simone Müller

  • ​Rocket RecallSimone Müller 
  • Resource Guarding: Dogs Who Growl or Bite - Diane Garrod

  • Seperation Anxiety: Deciphering the Behavior - Terrie Hayward

  • Seperation Anxiety in Shelters, Rescues, and Newly Adopted Dogs - Malena DeMartini

  • Stationing for the Win: Platform Training for Behavior - Jamie Popper

  • The Wolf in Your Living Room: Primitave Breeds - Molly Sumridge

  • Canine Enrichment and Affective State - Shay Kelly

  • Train Your Nervous System: Applying the Science of Pain, Stress, Trauma, and Social Connection - Sukie Baxter

  • Aggression In Dogs - Spirit Dog Training


Every year I attend continuing education credit courses, expos, and conferences. I believe that science is always evolving, there are always new techniques to be learned and my skillset should always evolve with it.

My Mission:

Is to give you and your dog the tools you need for you both to live your best lives.

To give those dogs who would never get a second glance, a chance at a home, a family, and a life outside of the shelter.

To educate people about the benefits of ethical and positive reinforcement training.


*George here approves of this message!

Learning a New “Language”

Too often dog owners come to me with this panicked look on their faces, throwing their hands in the air, saying things like “I just don’t get it!”

They think I have some kind of secret I’m keeping in my back pocket, hiding away from the world. But the truth is, I just learned how to understand our pawsome friends. The way their fur ruffles, the inflections in their barks, and the differences between happy and not-so-happy tail wags. I learned how to communicate with them to ease their worries, key in on what makes them attentive, and find that happy place where they’re ready to learn you just as much
as you are learning them.


I know what it’s like to spend a lifetime of people not “getting” me. All it takes is one look into a pupper’s eyes for me to know, they know a little of what that’s like, too.

I don’t want your dog to spend any more time not being understood that they already have. You are the key to make that happen.

And no, you don’t need to be autistic to learn how to speak dog like me. You just need to be open-minded enough to realize that they have a language that’s accessible to you, too.

This is your invitation to get your sit together. For you and your dog. It just takes a little understanding of one another.

Responsible Rescues I work with: 

 (which all can always use more volunteers, fosters, or donations)

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Thank you for taking the first step to setting your dog, and yourself, up for success.


They thank you. I thank you. You’ll thank you… There’s a lotta thanking going on.


I can’t wait for you to get your sit together.


And hey, if you’re not-so-great on the phone (like me), it’s cool.


Go ahead and text that number below to contact me.






Promise, there’s no amount of awkwardness or uncertainty that will get in the way of you and your dog understanding each other.


Our brains got this. We’ve got this. And yeah, your pup will get it too.

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